Terms of Use

This website (Our website) managing by THAI FUKUDA CORP.,LTD. (Our company).
Before usage, please read condition below and accept before using.

About copyright
All of contents on this website are protected by Copyright law. Not allowed for reproduction. Please do not reproduce without permission from our company or people who have a right.

About exemption
For use and read our website, Visitor will take responsibilities by themselves. If got problem from access or usage, we not responsible anything. Also if the contents on homepage that visitor downloaded have an effect on visitor’s or third person’s computer, we not responsible anything.

About trademark
The trademark and logo on the website, If not have any change in future, it is our company’s copy right. Do not re uses or re-post without permission from our company.

Content modification
The homepage will be modify or cancel without announcement. Then if visitor or third person got any damage, we not responsible anything.

About warranty of data
The data on the website is not guarantee accuracy. If our company’s website contents are incorrect or unpublished, we not responsible anything.

About cookie
Our website use cookies policy as below.
A "cookie" is the technology when user uses a computer or smart phone for access website, it will send data file to user’s device. The website will use this data file when you revisit for tailored options based on the information stored about your last visit. By the way, Cookies cannot get user’s personal information for example Name, Address, E-mail etc. and cannot bring about damage to computer.
If user do not want to use Cookies, user can setting browser for disable it. By the way, disable cookies will make the user can not access our website, please understand. Setting Method can be unusual by browser, please check on help information on your browser again.

SSL support
About visitor’s personal information transmission, we use Secure Socket Layer (SSL). It is automatic password protection and always pays attention to data protect.

Information link management
Our company not guarantee about confidence, legality, license of copyright and accuracy of website links.

If there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us. Contact
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